Ayurveda, Healing Holistically

Personalized treatment unique to each individual body type

What is Ayurveda?


Ayurveda ‘the Science of Life’ is a holistic system of medicine from India, which evolved from Brahma sages of Ancient India some 3000-5000 years ago. The principles and philosophy of Ayurveda views the human body as a complex whole, including our external and internal environments. Bioenergetic forces govern and determine our health or physical condition. While psychic forces determine our mental and spiritual health. Ayurveda is thus a holistic system of health care that teaches us to balance these energies in order to achieve optimum health and well being.

Ayurveda defines health not just a state of the body. We interact with the seasons, planetary changes of the earth, and moon, other planets, as well as orbiting relationships within our lives, our loved ones and friends, co-workers etc. We affect and are affected by every other animate and inanimate thing in existence. The key to living healthy is to bring all of this into balance.

Imbalance can lead to a person becoming sick or unhealthy, mentally, emotionally or physically. We all are vulnerable to imbalances, because we live in a world that is not always in total balance with nature itself. There are three body types in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. They represent key biological energies in the human body. Ayurvedic treatment starts with having a deeper understanding of your body type or Dosha.

What To Expect


Learn Your Body Type

Key diagnostic tools in Ayurveda are pulse diagnosis and Vedic astrology. Practitioners can gain information about the physical constitution and health of their patient. This information is used to form the basis for a sensitive and personalized therapy in accordance with Ayurvedic principles of treatment.


Determine Treatment

Instead of focusing on a treatment or medicine to heal the illness, the Ayurvedic practitioner concentrates on the techniques that will strengthen the healthy elements inherent in every body, which will in turn help the individual to recover. Treatments and medicines are a vital part of this process, but act only to support the body's self-reparation,


Regaining Balance

There are a wide array of Ayurvedic treatments and therapies practitioners may include a variety of treatments in an individual's daily recommended routine and seasonal routine. You may receive a herbs or a custom herbal formula, medicinal Ayurvedic massage, called Panchakarma, or a diet and nutritional regime.

Aspects of Ayurveda distinguishing it from other approaches to health care


Ayurveda focuses on establishing and maintaining balance of the life energies within us, rather than focusing on individual symptoms.

It recognizes the unique constitutional differences of all individuals and therefore recommends different regimens for different types of people. Although two people may appear to have the same outward symptoms, their energetic constitutions may be very different and therefore call for very different remedies.

The ancient Ayurvedic physicians realized the need for preserving the alliance of the mind and body, Ayurveda offers tools for nurturing the subtler aspects of our humanity. Ayurveda seeks to heal the fragmentation and disorder of the mind-body complex and restore wholeness and harmony within the individual.


What are the Doshas

Ayurveda believes five basic elements space, air, fire, water, and earth manifest in the human body as three basic humours known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three types govern health of bodily tissues as well as the digestion and elimination. Each person is born with a unique combination of these types, this makes up their basic constitution.

A Healing System

Ayurveda incorporates a range of methodologies for maintenance and restoration of health. The body type helps to define a recommended personal diet, exercise pattern, supplements, and medicinal herbs, as well as cleansing and rebuilding therapies.