Ayurvedic Science Explains Plasma:Part One

Plasma Tissue: The Essence of Life

Plasma translates to "juice" and represents the essence or juice of life. It's the sap containing the nourishment for all seven tissues in the body.

Composition and Functions of Plasma

  • Plasma and Serum: Plasma primarily comprises plasma and serum, with water constituting 99% of its content. The remaining 1% consists of the other four elements.

  • Tastes: It contains six tastes, with sweet making up 75% and the remaining 25% comprising sour, saline, bitter, spicy, and astringent.

  • Hormones: Plasma contains 75% male hormones if the person is male and 75% female hormones if the person is female.

  • Attributes and Agni: Within Plasma are 21 attributes and 13 agni (fire).

  • Energy Consciousness: The energy consciousness of Plasma comes from emotions and the mind. This energy maintains strength, carries nutrients, transforms gases, maintains body pH, and more.

  • Fat and Minerals: Plasma contains fat molecules like cholesterol, potassium, iron, protein, and waste products like phlegm (Kapha).

Emotional Connection

  • Healthy Plasma: Love, compassion, happiness, joy, truth, faith.

  • Unhealthy Plasma: Fear, anxiety, insecurity, shaky faith.

Physical Connection

  • Skin is the cream of Plasma, and the heart is its seat.

  • The quality of food enters plasma five days after eating, transforming into pure energy.

Signs and Symptoms of Plasma Imbalances

  • Generalized body aches, hypersensitivity in hair, fever, nausea, heaviness, retention of water, drowsiness, lack of taste, loss of faith in oneself, sexual debility, dizziness, sudden weight loss, wrinkles, loss of appetite, feeble pulse.

Plasma Imbalance Conditions

  • Anemia, frequent fever (Pyrexia), edema, varicose veins, impotence, tinnitus, anorexia, hypoglycemia, and skin disorders.

Dietary Factors Affecting Plasma

  • Ice, exposure to cold, sour/citrus (Pitta), sweet (Kapha), astringent (Yata).

Plasma tissue is a complex and vital concept in Ayurveda, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It plays a crucial role in maintaining health and well-being, and its imbalances can lead to various physical and emotional ailments. Understanding and nurturing plasma is essential.


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