How Ayurveda Cures A Hoarse Voice In A Hour

Remedies For Hoarseness Of Voice and How to Get Your Voice Back

Step One:

Place the thumb and index finger on the tragus that is pointed to by a blue arrow.



Mix 1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon into licorice tea with 1 teaspoon honey; place a small amount in your mouth and let dissolve slowly. Sip the entire tea. 

Step Three: To soothe the inflamed larynx and encourage healing, inhale steam from a vaporizer, humidifier, or bowl of heated water.with 3-5 drops of peppermint essential oil.

How To Treat Hoarse Voice: Prevention of Chronic Voice Disorders:

Chronic  Hoarseness of Voice: Cloves, Licorice, Calamus Root (equal portions of each powder in plant-based milk- the most ideal time to drink is from six to ten AM and six to ten PM.

 Gargle with sesame oil i/2 tsp and 1/8 th cup of water daily for 1-3 minutes

Hoarseness is a symptom of laryngitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the voice box (larynx) that causes swelling of the vocal cords. This acute condition may arise during an upper respiratory infection such as a cold or from overuse of the voice.

In Ayurveda, the throat is thought to be the bridge between the heart and the mind. The role emotion plays in hoarseness.

Your throat muscles express emotions by producing sound; these emotional events are recorded in the muscle tissue. Hoarseness is therefore considered to be a Vata imbalance that dries once someone that has overworked the laryngeal muscles, glands, and organs of the throat.

Hoarse Voice Causes: Chronic laryngitis is usually due to chronic overuse or incorrect use of the voice or smoking. It may also be a sign of serious disease. Therefore chronic laryngitis requires professional evaluation and advice about learning to use vocal cords correctly, or less vocalizing, stopping smoking, or medical treatment.

If laryngitis accompanies other cold symptoms such as a cough or sore throat, refer to those sections in the book for additional information about self-care and Ayurvedic remedies.

Use this acupressure tool to treat the Tragus of the ear if you are a public speaker, teacher, or singer. or anyone who talks all day long for a living.

Ears, Nose, and Throat Ayurvedic Support Use all Three Daily To Prevent The Effect of Smog, Car Exhaust, and Indoor Toxic Particles on hoarseness

Follow the Daily Lifestyle Regimen to balance your dosha, especially if you have chronic hoarseness.

 Alternate-nostril breathing helps calm vata, as does yoga, particularly Thunderbolt Pose. 

Rest the voice as much as possible and gargle with 1/4 teaspoon sesame oil mixed with 1 cup warm water. 

Drinking Coriander tea may help Pittas usually prefer cold.

while Vatas can drink warm vata tea, ghee(a few drops), and warm milk

 Kaphas would do well to have: Black Pepper Milk: made by boiling two cups of plant-based milk with 1/8 th tsp of black pepper. Cook the two cups down to one cup. Drink daily until your hoarse throat improves.

 If you would like an ayurvedic consultation for your personalized ayurvedic body type remedies, diet, exercise, yoga, meditation recommendations: Call 707-527-7313


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